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OEFLY1D: Internal migration in Denmark by out migration, in migration, sex and age groups (1998-2023)
OEFLY2D: Internal migration in Sweden by out migration, in migration, sex and age groups (1998-2023)
OEFLY30D: Migration from Denmark to Sweden by out migration, in migration, sex, age groups and birth country (1998-2023)
OEFLY31D: Migration from Denmark to Sweden by out migration, in migration, sex, country of origin and group of countries (1998-2023)
OEFLY32D: Migration from Sweden to Denmark by out migration, in migration, sex, age groups and birth country (1998-2023)
OEFLY33D: Migration from Sweden to Denmark by out migration, in migration, sex, country of origin and group of countries (1998-2023)
OEFLY46D: Migration between region parts from Denmark to Sweden by out migration, in migration, sex and age groups (2001Q1-2024Q3)
OEFLY47D: Migration between region parts from Sweden to Denmark by out migration, in migration, sex and age groups (2001Q1-2024Q3)
OEVAN8D: Migration to and from municipalities in the Öresund Region by municipality, sex, age and type of migration (1997-2005)
OEVAN9D: Migration to and from municipalities in the Öresund Region by municipality, sex, age and type of migration (2006-2023)