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OEPEN4KD: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by workplace municipality, sex and industry (NACE 2.0) (2022Q1-2024Q1)
OEPEN4AD: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by workplace municipality, sex and industry (NACE 2.0) (2015-2022)
OEPEN40D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by workplace municipality, sex and industry (NACE 1.1) (1997-2007)
OEPEN41D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by workplace municipality, sex and industry (NACE 2.0) (2008-2015)
OEPEN50D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by workplace municipality, sector, size of workplace and sex (1997-2015)
OEPEN60D: Quarterly commuting from Sweden to Denmark by municipality of residence and workplace regionpart (2012Q1-2017Q3)
OEPEN61D: Quarterly commuting from the Swedish to the Danish part of the Öresund Region by workplace regionpart, sex and age groups (2012Q1-2017Q3)
OEPEN62D: Quarterly commuting from the Swedish to the Danish part of the Öresund Region by working hour and income group (2012Q1-2017Q3)
OEPEN7KD: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by work place region, sex, age groups, income group and currency (2022Q1-2024Q1)
OEPEN7AD: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by work place region, sex, age groups, income group and currency (2015-2022)
OEPEN80D: Total wage for commuters between Denmark and Sweden by workplace municipality, sex and currency (1997-2015)
OEPEN82D: Total wage for commuters between Denmark and Sweden by national part of the workplace, industry (NACE 2.0), sex and currency (2008-2015)
OEPEN83D: Total wage for commuters between Denmark and Sweden by national part of the workplace, birth country, sex and currency (1997-2015)
OEPEN84D: Commuters and other income recipients by residence province, type, income group, sex and age groups (1997-2015)
OESP1D: University or folk high school students by municipality of residence, municipality of study, type, sex and age (2010-2012)
OESP2D: University or folk high school students by municipality of residence, municipality of study, type, birth country and field of study (2010-2012)
OESP3D: Students in high school and vocational education by municipality of residence, municipality of study, type, sex and age (2010-2012)
OESP4D: Students in high school and vocational education by municipality of residence, municipality of study, type, birth country and field of study (2010-2012)
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OEPEN1D: Commuters and other income recipients from Sweden to Denmark by municipality of residence, workplace municipality, type and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2015)
OEPEN2D: Commuters and other income recipients from Denmark to Sweden by municipality of residence, workplace municipality, type and sex (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2015)
OEPEN3D: National and Öresund commuters by municipality of residence, workplace municipality, sex and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2015)
OEPEN12D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by municipality of residence, sex and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2015)
OEPEN22D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by residence province, education Level (ISCED2011), sex and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
OEPEN24D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by municipality of residence, workplace municipality and education Level (ISCED2011) (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
OEPEN23D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by municipality of residence, education Level (ISCED2011) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
OEPEN26D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by municipality of residence, field of education (ISCED2011) and sex (DISCONTINUED) (2010-2015)
OEPEN34D: Commuters between Denmark and Sweden by municipality of residence, sex, country of origin and group of countries (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2015)
OEPEN42D: Commuters and other income recipients by residence province, type, industry (NACE 2.0), sex and age groups (DISCONTINUED) (2008-2015)
OEPEN81D: Total wage for commuters between Denmark and Sweden by national part of the workplace, industry (NACE 1.1), sex and currency (DISCONTINUED) (1997-2007)