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Labour market
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OEAKU10D: Labour force attachment (1,000 persons) by region, employment status, sex and stat type (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU11D: Unemployed by region and sex (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU12D: Employed by region and sex (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU20D: Labour force attachment (1,000 persons) by region, employment status, age groups and stat type (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU21D: Unemployed by region and age groups (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU22D: Employed by region and age groups (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU30D: Employed (1,000 persons) by region, full-time/part-time and stat type (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU40D: Employed (1,000 persons) by region, job title and stat type (2000Q1-2024Q3)
OEAKU50D: Employed (1,000 persons) by region, industry (NACE 1.1) and stat type (DISCONTINUED) (2000Q1-2008Q4)
OEAKU51D: Employed (1,000 persons) by region, industry (NACE 2.0) and stat type (2009Q1-2024Q3)
OEAL1D: Unemployed by municipality, sex and age groups (2007M01-2014M07)
OEAL2D: Unemployed in per cent by municipality, type, sex and age groups (2007M01-2014M07)
OEAL3D: Seasonally adjusted unemployed by national part and sex and age (2007M01-2014M07)
OEAL4D: Seasonally adjusted unemployed in per cent by national part, type and sex and age (2007M01-2014M07)
OEAL5D: Seasonally adjusted unemployed by municipality (2007M01-2014M07)
OEAL6D: Seasonally adjusted unemployed in per cent by municipality and type (2007M01-2014M07)
OERAS1D: The population (16 years+ ) by region, employment status, sex and age groups (1997-2015)
OERAS2D: The population (16 years+ ) in Per Cent by region, employment status, sex and age groups (1997-2015)
OERAS3D: Employed (with or without Öresundscommuters, 16 years+ ) by municipality of residence, sex, age groups and type (1997-2015)
OERAS4D: Employement rate (with or without Öresundscommuters, 16 years+ ) by region, sex, age groups and type (1997-2015)
OERAS10D: Employed (16 years+ ) by region of residence, industry (NACE 1.1), sex and age groups (1997-2007)
OERAS11D: Employed(16 years+ ) nighttime population by region of residence, industry (NACE 2.0), sex and age groups (2008-2015)
OERAS12D: Employed (16 years+ ) (nighttime population by municipality of residence, sector, industry (NACE 1.1), sex and age groups (1997-2007)
OERAS13D: Employed (16 years+ ) (nighttime popultation) by municipality of residence, sector, industry (NACE 2.0), sex and age groups (2008-2015)
OERAS14D: Employed (16 years+ ) (daytime population) by work place region, industry (NACE 1.1), sex and age groups (1997-2007)
OERAS15D: Employed(16 years+ ) daytime population by work place region, industry (NACE 2.0), sex and age groups (2008-2015)
OERAS16D: Employed (16 years+ ) (daytime population) by workplace municipality, sector, industry (NACE 1.1), sex and age groups (1997-2007)
OERAS17D: Employed (16 years+ ) daytime population by workplace municipality, sector, industry (NACE 2.0), sex and age groups (2008-2015)
OERAS20D: Employed (16 years+ ) (nighttime population) by municipality of residence, industry (NACE 1.1), education Level (ISCED 97), sex and age groups (1997-2007)
OERAS21D: Employed (16 years+ ) (nighttime population) by municipality of residence, industry (NACE 2.0), education Level (ISCED 97), sex and age groups (2008-2015)
OERAS22D: Employed (16 years+ ) (dtime population) by workplace municipality, industry (NACE 1.1), education Level (ISCED 97), sex and age groups (1997-2007)
OERAS23D: Employed (16 years+ ) (daytime population) by workplace municipality, industry (NACE 2.0), education Level (ISCED 97), sex and age groups (2008-2015)